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Conceptual, creative and tactical interactions
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On a fine September morning in 2005, Oliver Vodeb spotted an interview with Maja Hawlina in the Delo newspaper's supplement, Sobotna priloga. About a month before, Maja had finished a prominent social campaign Ciganček (Gipsy) that had thoroughly upset the public. In the interview Maja explained her view of the role of social communication within the context of her advertising, general work, and philosophy. Oliver was attracted and entertained by the article's title, "Watermelons, Sweet as First Love; Or, Who Cares about Power without Character." Despite this, he still set off reading the text in an alertly sceptical manner. As an educator and communication critic, he had been a close observer of the Slovenian advertising scene for many years and had come across self-righteous advertising too many times. That is, advertising that tries to set itself apart from the rest by critiquing the same fabric to which it owes its ontological and ideological existence. There were also those rare public critiques of the existent state that usually quickly wore out, proving themselves only fashionable whims, bluffs used to sell a dissident image alone. He found this professionally disturbing, not to mention very questionable. This writing, however, seemed different. Or was it? Oliver found himself curious; he wrote to Maja, suggesting they meet.

Maja was familiar with Oliver's projects, especially with Memefest and Scream, and was at the same time intrigued by the serious, and reserved yet intense tone of Oliver's otherwise amiable letter. Their meeting was simply necessary, and, though it was their first, saw Oliver and Maja immediately engage, systematically yet randomly, in the most essential topics, swiftly comparing their views and experience, observing, evaluating and testing one another. The three hours flew by and their second meeting served only to confirm their decision to start a joint project. From there, things started running smoothly.

With great precision and ease, they began working on an intensive outline of an operation that would both express their shared beliefs and intentions, and nurture their diversity. Oliver and Maja,a man and a woman -belonging to two different generations, A sociologist and a psychologist. Oliver's theoretical and critical side craved different activities., while Maja's many years of practical wisdom and experience desired new reflections and a new setting. Their worlds set to work, so that they could create and research together, complementing each other, reading the same as well as different books.
In December, they designed the concept of a project they called Peppermind and in January, started inviting a circle of their closest-minded co-workers to join. Together, they started working on Peppermind's visual identity, website, and initiative efforts. They decided that the 1st of September 2006, the beginning of the school year, was the perfect date to start their formal operation. In the summer, Maja and Oliver designed and ran a prominent campaign called "Antiterminal Silly Coffee cup collection", ki je bil tudi uradni studiev "comming out". which marked the official studio's "coming out". Learning from their mistakes and successes, they realized that the studio was better suited with a Slovene and not a foreign- pretentious- name. Density and edge. Spice and value. They felt even closer to Poper (= pepper) when their work lead them to a text by Carl M. Cippola entitled Allegro ma non troppo. The booklet includes two humorous studies: The role of spices (mainly pepper) in the economic development of the Middle Ages and the basic laws of human stupidity.

Et voila

Nalo�ite si Flash!


20. 10. 2011 - Maja gave a lecture on Interventions in public space at the international conference which was part of the project (Re)collecting Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina) - Urbani Imaginarij.
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: Openwear web platform now online
06. 7. 2011 - For anyone who is interested in the future of clothing production: check out the beta version of our collaborative clothing platform here:
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: News- what we are up to?
09. 12. 2010 - We have been very busy in the past months and therefore not so active on our own English web site.
But there is a lot to say.
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