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Conceptual, creative and tactical interactions
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Below, we offer various knowledge in various types of media. Some is our personal work, other represents knowledge that constantly affects our work, while yet others we are about to put into practice.


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mp3 blank Changing the Logic of Communication
Oliver Vodeb's interview with art and cultural critic and activist Brian Holmes about the logic of current communication practices, and the necessity of changing it.
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Audio files :

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mp3 blank Design Matters
Conversations with renowned male and female designers on web radio.
The show is hosted by Debbie Millman

streaming realplayer / windows media video
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mp3 blank The Medium is the Massage
Marshall McLuhan

The audio-version of 1968 trendy classic of the media guru.
Produced by John Simon.
Conceived and co-ordinated by Jerome Agel. Written by Marshall McLuhan, Quentin Fiore, and Jerome Agel.
Columbia CS 9501, CL2701.

mp3 file
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Second part >>


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In this documentary, media theoretician Douglas Rushkoff investigates the communication industry and shows how it has changed, detailing the direction in which it is developing.
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The Merchants of Cool
In this multi award-winning documentary, Douglas Rushkoff demonstrates the tactics and strategies perfected by the marketing industry and the cultural implications of such communication practices in the age of "authenticity".
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Nike Sweatshop Email

Mute Magazine
The Design Encyclopedia
Cactus Network

A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues
Andre Compte- Sponville
Emotional Design / Why We Love (or Hate) Everyday Things
Donald A. Norman
Jung To Live By
Eugene Pascal
Design Beyond Design
Jan Van Eyck
The User Interface: Concepts and Design
Lon Barfield
Hadrians Memoirs
Marguerite Yourcenar
Marshall McLuhan
The Unbearable Lightness of Being
Milan Kundera
Mitja Velikonja
Fences and Windows
Naomi Klein
The Blind Watchmaker
Richard Dawkins
The Rise of the Creative Class
Richard Florida
The Conquest of Cool
Thomas Frank
Looking Closer 2 : Critical Writings on Graphic Design
Michael Bierut, William Drenttel, Steven Heller, Dk Holland

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