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Conceptual, creative and tactical interactions
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14. 6. 2009 - Erased Campaign for American students
A week ago, a group of sixteen American students from Baltimore' Goucher College visited our studio. Their visit was part of a three week long study excursion to Slovenia with professor Daniel Marcus for the course "Alternative media". The lecture we prepared focused on two parts. First we discussed project Memefest and the evolution of socially responsive communications festival. We tried to answer following questions: what is good communication work? and what defines and distinguishes a top-level author
in the field of (visual) communication?

In the second part we discussed the campaign Poper Studio did for the erased.
Students were particularly surprised of the fact that the national campaign was made as a self initiated project, without resources. The culture of Poper Studio combines for profit, not for profit and activist projects. A business model we are still experimenting with.

In their three week stay in Slovenia, Goucher students felt inspired enough to make a wonderful project of their own. The first extensive on-line resource about the beautiful Metelkova cultural centre. Congratulations!!

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20. 10. 2011 - Maja gave a lecture on Interventions in public space at the international conference which was part of the project (Re)collecting Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina) - Urbani Imaginarij.
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: Openwear web platform now online
06. 7. 2011 - For anyone who is interested in the future of clothing production: check out the beta version of our collaborative clothing platform here:
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: News- what we are up to?
09. 12. 2010 - We have been very busy in the past months and therefore not so active on our own English web site.
But there is a lot to say.
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